Welcome to Team Brave!
“What is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
I think about this question almost every day. It’s that one word that gets me every time. O-N-E. One life. We only get one life. One shot to make a difference, one chance to leave a legacy and one opportunity to shape the next generation.
You see, it’s this perspective that inspires me to rise each morning. I find myself feeling ready to take on the world, chase my dreams, love extravagantly and be everything God has called me to be. That is until I wake my kids up for school…. The morning chaos ensues and often by the time I have sent them with their dad, or dropped them at school myself, I feel just relieved to have survived. If I managed to remain calm and kind, I feel awesome and have to fight the urge to reward myself with a Starbucks. But if I lost my patience or gave into stress, I walk away feeling like a terrible mom. I come back to a messy house with a huge list of things to do for the family, for work or just the things I didn’t finish yesterday.
Be brave? Dream big? Say what?!?! I have stuff to do, places to be and on top of that, everyone is counting on me. Before I know it, not only another day but another week and then another month has gone by. My personal goals and dreams roll over just like my calendar pages. Some to the following month, some to the next year, that is if I am really lucky and they haven't been forgotten altogether.
Have you ever felt this way? It’s so easy to get lost in the mundane distractions of everyday life. When we focus only on the things in front of us, we easily forsake the dreams deep within us. That or maybe life happened differently than we planned. We stand here today in the aftermath angry, disappointed, hurt, broken, alone, afraid, hopeless. Often struggling to see anything past that.
Wherever you find yourself today let me ask you this: What is it that you have always wanted to do? Who do you dream of being? When it’s all said and done, what do you want to be remembered for? I ask these things because it’s important to know that it’s not too late.
As women, it can be easy to sacrifice who we are and what we dream of all in the name of putting everyone else first. I have however come to find that when I am pursuing my dreams and being who God has called me to be, I am better for it. And not just me, but everyone I love. My husband gets a kinder, gentler wife. My kids get a more joyful, intentional mom. And I am making my world a lovelier place.
We are all on our own journey but we don’t need to do it alone. The journey is more fulfilling when we come together. We need each other. I need women in my life who remind me of my purpose when I forget. Women who challenge me to face my fears, that ask me the hard questions and are in my corner. Women who cheer me on when doubt rolls in. We all long to be part of a team doing life together, overcoming our hardships, celebrating our victories, and laughing until we cry (maybe even pee a little… oh come on, I know some of you do that).
That is the genesis of Team Brave:
Team Brave exists to unite, challenge, and embolden women in pursuit of community, fulfilling their purpose and living their one and only life to the fullest.
Consider this your personal invitation! Come be part of our team because we are truly better together.
~ Megan Valentine
Become a part of Team Brave! Connect and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.